The United Women of Faith (UWF) is a women’s “fellowship of faith,” a creative and supportive community which seeks to help members know God and seeks to expand concepts of mission here and abroad. Our only fundraising project is the annual Soup Kitchen and Country Store, which raises funds for camp scholarships and local mission projects.
The Piecemakers Quilters are a part of UWF, supported financially by UWF, enabling the quilters to make baby quilts for members.
UWF meets monthly September through June, usually the first Monday of the month. Check the church calendar for announcements of the meetings.
Quilters and sewers are welcome to come any time.
Fun and fellowship are our main goals! We stitch little quilts that we make to give to the families of our congregation that have new babies. We also make the Baptismal cloths that Pastor Katie uses at each baptism.
Individual’s projects may be worked on at this time as well!

The Sunday Morning Bible Study meets from 8:45-9:45am each Sunday.
Study material is the Bible and relevant bible studies. Questions in the study guide are the basis of the discussions. All women are welcome to come whenever they can make it.
Participants are welcome any time. Meeting place is the Upper Room located north of the upstairs church lounge.
We also have an adult Sunday School Class available each Sunday morning with coffee.